West Hollywood’s Ordinance 17-1004 was adopted on April 17, 2017. It requires property owners to retrofit their wood-frame, soft story buildings. They identified these buildings as having wood frame construction with the ground floor containing parking or an open floor space, causing a soft, weak, or open front with one or more stories above. The West Hollywood retrofit requirement only applies to buildings who have a construction permit that was applied for prior to January 1, 1978. Retrofit requirements will only apply to buildings where a permit for construction was applied for prior to January 1, 1978. 

Notices were sent out after April of 2019. It detailed all the requirements and timelines for West Hollywood soft story building owners.

West Hollywood requires a Tenant Habitability Plan, similar to the Los Angeles retrofit ordinance. Retrofit1 completes this for you and handles all city communication on your behalf. Call Retrofit1 today- 1-844-4Retro1 (473-8761) for all of your West Hollywood soft story retrofit needs.

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