Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs: aka granny flats, in-law units, backyard cottages, secondary units and more) are a great way to expand your property, create more income, and/or to meet retrofitting criteria while creating more housing for the public and more income for yourself.
At Retrofit1, we are licensed general contractors that can help you create an ADU for residential or commercial use. Whether you have a residential garage you wish to convert or parking spaces that can be used for housing.
Did you know you can develop ADUs to meet your city’s retrofitting ordinance AND generate more income?
Many qualifying property owners having been converting their tuck under parking areas into ADUs. Specific plans are required in order to do this (engineering, architectural, MEP, and more) in order to meet your city’s retrofitting requirements while also developing additional living space for new tenants.
Call Retrofit1 today for more information on ADU development, a free estimate in ADU engineering, retrofit engineering & construction, and engineering re-designs to reduce the scope and cost of construction. 1-844-4Retro1 (473-8761).
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