Santa Monica developed their earthquake soft story retrofit ordinance in March 2017. According to their website, “Nearly 2,000 commercial and multi-family residential buildings in the City were identified as potentially seismically vulnerable in need of possible structural improvement and are required to comply with the Program (source: Ordinance 2537 Chapter 8.72 targeted specific soft story buildings in Santa Monica and notices were sent out beginning September of 2017.


Photo Caption: Example of a Santa Monica soft story building

Santa Monica has a Means and Method Plan requirement before you begin the retrofit construction. Retrofit1 handles this for you!

Retrofit1 has completed many soft story retrofit buildings in the city of Santa Monica to protect soft story buildings and tenants from an earthquake. We have a great relationship with the Santa MonicaPlanning and Community Development Department and handle all city communication and visits for you. Contact us today for a free retrofit estimate or to review your current retrofit plans. We can save you money on retrofitconstruction! 1-800-4Retro1 (473-8761).

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